“That movie is like a horror movie without deaths, blood, and swearing. I used to be scared of the other mother turning into a spider, along with her button eyes being gone.” —u/CriticismJust5144 “I actually didn’t remember him being allergic to bees, so for the longest time I thought that dying was just the normal reaction to that many bee stings. Suffice it to say, I was quite scared of bees as a kid. Actually still a bit scared of them because of that movie.” —u/Kardessa “I first saw E.T. when I was like 5. I was totally fine with it up until E.T. was face down in the water, pale [and] dying. That’s the part that freaked me out to the core. I couldn’t watch it again for six years.” —u/theowlsfavoritejoke “I remember I would rewatch the movie and always kind of skip the Tin Man scenes. I don’t know why, [but] he gives me the creeps to this day…” —u/mintderp “Fu*king Bambi. My mom died, and I watched that movie a few months after. Nobody told me Bambi’s mom died.” —u/ImaginationSad2803 “This is the only kids movie that genuinely traumatized me to this day, just [because] I had no idea going in. It was brutal for me as a 12-year-old. I was watching it on TV, and my parents came running after I started bawling my eyes out.” —u/Flubber_finder “As a small child, I was genuinely terrified that teachers were like that. I had nightmares about going to school and being locked in fricking death closets.” —u/Internal-Heron6734 “The sinkhole was the part that gave me nightmares. Kirby in denial and Blanky’s last words: ‘I’m not scared.’ Holy shit, that scene gave me nightmares. Literally even the happy parts in the movie are terrifying.” —u/pau7les “For a Christmas special, it’s really mean-spirited. People would hate it if it came out today.” —u/ScorpionX-123 “That was straight-up a horror film as far as I was concerned. Still haven’t seen it to completion.” —u/Strider794 “I found the aunts to be absolutely terrifying; like, I would pretty frequently have nightmares about them.” —u/selloboy “That movie fucked me UP as a 4-year-old! I knew something intensely fucked up was happening during the opening scene when Frollo tried to throw Quasimodo in the well. I was terrified and fascinated — like baby’s first existential horror, LMAO. I had nightmares about the red-robed monks for ages!” —u/marm0rada “Oh hell…I read the book and got sad, but then I saw the movie and I bawled. I was nearing 13, too.” —u/DidDunMegasploded “I still remember watching it on VHS. My mother was baking cookies. I felt a breakdown coming on from Littlefoot’s mom fighting to the death. I pretended to test the cookies from the next room while quietly sobbing. The cookies [were] a little soggy from quiet tears, but good nonetheless.” —u/IntheCompanyofOgres “That entire movie was a fucking fever dream; even now, just the vibe of the kid being alone among all these adults is just a weird vibe.” —u/KeepCalmCarrion “I always hated the scene with the depressing music when the fishes were struggling to get out of the giant fish net. I would plug my ears or mute the movie every time.” —u/mintderp “All the stuff that happens at the beginning with Dumbo’s mom, and when she’s in the cage and they’re saying goodbye and she’s rocking him with her trunk. That shit would still make me bawl my eyes out today, guaranteed.” —u/anonmymouse “The scene where they flattened Judge Doom and he gets back up haunted my childhood.” —u/DeadpoolsGirl “That nightmare acid-trip boat tunnel scene. We watched that in elementary school, complete with the chicken decapitation. Fun times.” —u/musicmaster82 “I was way too young when it was in the theaters. I was in those full-body sobs by the end.” —u/gobobro “The scene with the girl in the painting moving and aging while trapped. I freaked the hell out as a kid and had to be dragged out of the theatre. To this day, any media that references being trapped in any form of media freaks me out, and I have severe problems with mirrors.” —u/galactabat “I love Gremlins as an adult, but as a small child, it terrified me. The ending where they suggest there might be gremlins in your house had me freaked out for years. I used to wake up in the morning and sit at the top of the stairs waiting for my parents because I wouldn’t go downstairs on my own. I thought gremlins would be hiding behind the sofa and armchairs.” —u/WideMiss “My mom took me to [see] it at the cinema. The horse died, and I was done. [I] had a meltdown, and she had to take me out the theater. I have never watched the rest of it.” —u/Solifuga

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