“The entire autism community thanks you for your comment.” —u/lordvbcool “Even if their parents seem nice, you never know how they treat their child when nobody’s around, or how they treated them in the past.” —u/otheruserfrom “Quality over quantity. Reciprocation is key. I have three close friends, and over the course of our 10+ year friendship we’ve had rare instances where we’ve needed to call upon each other in time of great need and always answered the call. No questions asked.” —u/newlife_newaccount “A thing that worried me a lot when I was a kid/teenager was people mistaking me for being rude when really I was just shy.” —u/tomynoble “As a teenager, I was generally pretty shy and quiet. I have anxiety and told myself nobody liked me. After HS I started working on socializing and overcoming my anxieties a bit. A good amount of the people I’d end up around saw a very different side of me from what they’d remembered in HS. The funniest part was that most of them would tell me how they thought I never liked them. To them I wasn’t shy — they weren’t worth my time. What a trip, lol. It really kind of opened my eyes to the concept of never judging somebody too much without getting to know them. People have so many weird associations built up over their lifetime of experiences that they come to incredibly wrong conclusions about people over something as simple as a person being quiet. It also taught me that everybody has insecurities that tell them they are less than they are, and that I shouldn’t be too hard on myself.” —u/TheSuggestionMark “And some of us have lots of friends and like doing things….very occasionally. And the rest of the time we’ll be reading amazing novels, drinking hot chocolate on our deck with the phone off for days at a time. It’s not that we don’t like you, or that we are hard to be around, it’s that our inner life is a lot more complex and interesting to us. … Introverts are not less than.” —u/AndrogynousRain “Lots of people are in college, saving up, or just can’t afford it because housing and rent are unreasonably expensive. You could have a decent job and be responsible and great in a lot of ways and living with your parents somehow negates all that?” —u/extrabees “In America, we’ve let the culture come to a point where in most places you A) need a car and B) are considered low value without one. Some people shame people for taking the bus at $30/month when we pay north of that for weekly gas.” —u/wilkinsk “Not going to college. I plan to go personally but some people don’t. I’ve been raised to believe people who go to college have their life together or are smarter than the average person. I’ve learned pretty quickly that people who don’t go to college aren’t stupid or anything. Some just have a different life path or can’t afford it or found a job or business that works out better than any college opportunities would’ve given. College doesn’t define a person’s worth. It’s just an expensive tool to get some people where they want to be.” —u/Crims0n_and_Cl0ver “I am a guy with stuffed animals, even if it’s just collecting them rather than sleeping with them. I can guarantee you that it’s not a shaming toward girls only.” —u/blackstafflo “It’s just weird. My husband and I sometimes leave things open on shared devices and each of us just respectfully logs out and logs in with our own credentials. We don’t open each other’s mail, either. There’s a basic level of respect and trust you need to have in a relationship. If you feel the need to snoop, there’s a lot more going on and the relationship has probably been on the rocks for a while. There are more mature ways to handle it — like being open with your feelings and having a frank conversation.” —u/arturobear “Relationships still need privacy. If you can’t trust your partner enough to allow them that, you are simply in the wrong relationship.” —u/WeeabooGandhi —u/queenlesbian99 “I agree: There are so many people telling me that I should get a girlfriend someday, and most of the time when I say I just don’t want to be in a relationship, they ask me if I’m gay (Idk how people reach that conclusion) or the ‘You’ll want to be in the future.’” —u/Downtown-Donut9603 “I’ve had a scenario happen when me and my boyfriend were talking at a family and friends cookout. … My boyfriend was talking and he mentions, ‘Oh, I LOVE kids! I think they’re so cute!’ or whatever reason, the people hearing the conversations DID NOT like that. They held their breath, stopped smiling, or immediately walked away to do something else. The person he was talking to was very obviously forcing a smile and went, ‘Ohh, thats cool.’ … I had to stress to my boyfriend that it wasn’t okay. He was obviously distraught by that day, and he kept brushing it off saying it was fine. It was not fine, it was complete bullshit and it wasn’t fair to him that he isn’t allowed to just express that he thinks kids are adorable. … Guys deserve to think kids are cute too without being looked at as some kind of predator in waiting.” —u/Wandering_Claptrap “Someone that is working on themselves and is either financially well off or has good insurance? Swoon.” —u/Vos_Et_Irrumabo “I 100 % agree with this. If anything, admitting to jealousy and being able to communicate those NATURAL feelings in a healthy way and without hostility should be a massive green flag. Even if your feelings are unfounded, irrational feelings are still feelings. Of course if it goes too far (like not wanting your partner to be friends with the opposite sex) it’s a red flag but that’s the case for basically everything.” —u/ad240pCharlie

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