—nathanvh —barbed —valuisqueen —eklimen —absurda42 —aristotlekyllo72 —imablt08 —cerealkillerm —jenniferb47cd09d9a —k47bd8ed9d My dad worked late, so one night when he was at work and my mom was asleep I snuck out of my room, put my head in the bucket, and took a long inhale of the chlorine pills. I promptly passed out, and when I woke up, I just sneaked back to bed" —alexisjb522 —pahz —funkmistress —itsgivinganxiety —pookiepunkin —wtfbob I had third-degree burns and my butt still has a massive scar. I pretended I was sick for a week because I couldn’t sit down and I didn’t want to tell my boss I burnt my butt." —pettycrock3r Firefighters spent two hours taking the heavily-rusted mangle apart. Mum fainted when she saw the state of my three fingers after they’d finally been freed." —superkay One sunny day I saw some ants on the carpet. I held up the magnifying glass and then it started to smoke. We were then all called outside for our recess so I just went outside… Recess was extended when the fire alarm went off."  —zemt I couldn’t open it, because it was sealed from the inside. the light was on 24/7 though, so I got to see my toes turn BLACK." —handsonmyknees I bent down and grabbed the hot muffler to show her how unstable it was, it felt so I said ‘weird your muffler is ice cold’ followed by screaming and regret." —amandac4d5d17b3f