“Amen. Also ‘dress for the slide, not the ride.’ If you accompany that with some pictures it can be pretty effective.” —P2start

“Why you gotta do me like this? I was having a good morning and then you had to go and violate my feels.But FTR, this is so true and something I’ve based my life around without really explicitly putting words to it.” —SchuyWalker

“My mom always said, ‘If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you look at it.’” —hyacinths_

“One of my all time favorite sayings, and so true. I used to try an please everyone, now I know to take care of myself first and foremost. If you have anything left over after taking care of yourself, that’s when you can help others.” —max30070 “Set boundaries and expect them to be respected. When they are violated make it clear that that was a violation.” —incidental77

“Yes as someone with a chronic pain disorder this has saved me many a job. I’ve always made myself indispensable to make up for my higher than usual absences. I always cover shifts and pick up extra. Most times someone will cover for me because I always do for them or if they can’t my bosses won’t get too mad because I’m always the one coming in.” —kittykatblaque “This is very similar to the most useful piece of advice I’ve ever gotten: ‘It’s only as awkward as you make it.’” —Serieve “YES! I freaking love this. You can’t climb higher if you’re sitting at the top of a ladder.” —cantonic

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